* Digital Experience Strategy work for Sony's global web presence * Developed new retail customer service concepts for Lexus and their Agency, Team One * Guest lectured at UCLA Anderson on Consumer Insights. * Conducted Ethnographic interviews and Focus Groups for Ohio State Cancer Care Center and their agency M&C Saatchi. * Positioning work for the launch of a new high net worth client service, for Wells Fargo and their agency DDB. * Positioning and brand stretch work for Baccarat and their brand consultancy, Brand Think Tank * New Brand Vision and Brand Architecture development for Marketing Technology company, ICP * Designed and undertook pan European ethnographic research for Ben & Jerry's and their Agency, Studio Make Believe * Developed Business Strategy, Plan and Investor materials for Crypto fund start up, Crowdsense * Research and Brand Strategy for Resolver in UK and India * Strategic re-positioning for B2B organisation Hellespont Ship Management * Positioning work for Agricultural Plastics Environment (APE) * Insight research into the Clean Beauty segment for Boscia in the US Market * Target audience insight research for Mastercard and their agency Hypothesis in the UK market